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Coral Beach


            The community of Coral Beach, on the northwest coast of North Island, is (as previously stated) a popular tourist mecca, offering city dwellers in particular a respite from the fast-paced life. During summer vacation the wide white beaches, cooler temperatures, crystalline seas, and many bars and shops attract high school and university students looking for the chance to blow off some steam. During this period the population of Coral Beach increases nearly tenfold.

            The Boardwalk is renowned throughout the islands. Here the pleasure seeker will find numerous activities to engage in, as well as open-air restaurants, bars, kiosks selling a plethora of goods, and views unparalleled on the islands.

            Just beyond the Boardwalk is Stardust Beach, an exclusive stretch of beach houses owned by some of Haven's wealthiest and most influential citizens. The Montague Marina and Yacht Club is another popular gathering place for the wealthier set and is home to the renowned Mariners' Bar and Grill.

            Coral Beach is linked by the Central Island Train Line to Caelo and enjoys regular service during the peak vacation period. In the off-season months service is reduced to twice daily.


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